Tonight is going to be fun!! --And possibly enlightening. But you've got some homework to do for the enlightening part(if you want): ..Make a hott-ass mix-cd, ..bring it with you tonight, ..swap it with someone, ..receive a new mix-cd from someone (there's the potential enlightenment --new music perhaps you have not experienced yet-- awesome!!) --and of course, the bands are all great, super-talented and: fun fun fun fun fun fun!! Come on out tonight...
"It's the fifth annual "Great Mix-CD Mix-Up". We ask those in attendance to create a mix cd or tape (artwork is appreciated) to exchange for a mix made by someone else. Come on!"
The Fawns (http://www.facebook.com/TheFawns)
Bunny's A Swine (http://www.facebook.com/bunnysaswine)
School for the Dead (http://www.facebook.com/SchoolForTheDead)
Beach Honey (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Beach-Honey/491173507610010)
21+ // 9:30 // $5.00
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