We are pleased once again to host A Shot Of Theater. This series is called "Finding Love", and promises to be another run of delightful short plays! And there shall be more!! Every Thursday this month...Enjoy!
They say that love finds you when you least expect it. A Shot of Theater invites you to challenge that idea at our second show, Finding Love.
Come attend one of these evenings in March, of locally written, original one-act plays that explore the who, what, and most importantly, the wheres of this crazy little thing called love. Enjoy the cabaret atmosphere as you dine on some of the tastiest food Northampton has to offer, and have a cocktail or two.
This is a unique event that you can bring your sweetheart to or come stag. Either way, you are going to be entertained to a quiver.
Hosted, once again, by the brilliant and beautiful Hors D'oeuvres of Bon Appétit Burlesque! http://www.facebook.com/bon.appetit.burlesque?fref=ts
With plays written by:
Louie Falcetti
Jonathan Caws-Elwitt
Arthur Jolly
Michael Medeiros
George Lenker
and Colin Tracy
and directed by:
Kevin Tracy
Becky Beth Benedict
Alain Louis-Gaston Lamoureux
Kate Carreiro
Joshua Platt
Scott Whitney & Jessie Beland
and Gabrielle Lisa & Rebecca Macomber
$8 // 21+ // 7pm (sharp!)
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